The 10 Best Battling Rope Exercises for Complete Beginners

Battle ropes are a fantastic tool for building muscular strength, increasing cardiorespiratory fitness and enhancing athletic performance. They’re low impact so you can do them while sitting down which makes them ideal in place of other more rigorous cardio exercises!

  1. Battle Rope Squat Waves

Battle rope wave squats are a great full body workout that will get you heart racing. The rise and fall of these waves make them an excellent movement for working all parts from your lower back to shoulders while also targeting muscles in other areas like arms or legs! This is one of the best battling rope exercises for beginners of all time!

  1. Battle Rope Double Waves

Battle ropes are an excellent way to work your entire body. You’ll challenge muscles in the upper back and lower traps as you swing it around, giving a good stretch for those who do not know how fences should feel when working out!

  1. Battle Rope Kneeling Waves

Waves are determined by where they’re placed in relation to the ground. Placing yourself lower means that you will experience smoother rides with smaller waves, but it also makes for a more difficult retrieval since there is less speed at your end!

  1. Battle Rope Alternating Lunge Waves

The closer you get to your anchor point, the more slack there is in this rope which makes the exercise even more challenging! Check out for more info.

  1. Battle Rope Power Slams

Battle rope power slammed requires a lot out of you and your whole body, so it’s important that sets are kept short. It can be metabolically challenging as well because force should attack with each swing or movement in order for them to create plenty off energy!

  1. Battle Rope Tsunami Waves

Battle ropes is a great way to build strength and flexibility. In order for it work best, you need two hands on one end of the rope while holding onto another with your other hand – this creates an exercise so much more difficult than regular old “eat meat/do taxes” workouts!

  1. Battle Rope Plank Waves

Battle rope plank waves are a great way to add some spice and challenge into your regular planking session. Planks can get stale after awhile, but this new exercise will have you holding on for dear life as well as changing positions!

  1. Battle Rope In & Out Waves

Battle ropes are a great way to work your chest, back and shoulders. The waves move laterally but this time move in opposite directions from one another so it’s like doing two sets of side-lying exercises at once!

  1. Battle Rope Sidewinder Waves

Battle Rope Sidewinders are a great way to work your core. You can maintain them for longer periods of time and they move laterally with one another, so it’s tough! To keep yourself from getting bored though – tip: Move hips in opposite direction as rope when doing this exercise.

  1. Battle Rope Outside Circles

Battle ropes offer a unique form of exercise that is not just about strength but also flexibility. They allow for complete freedom in movement, which makes them perfect to do anytime you have 45 seconds or less! One great example would be outside circles – perform these with small circle moves as well big ones if needed-and another thing about battle rope exercises? The lower body has little assistance from this so it puts more strain on your shoulders and arms.